Exosomes are tiny nanoparticles made by our cells and are responsible for the cell-to-cell communication that increases collagen, hair growth, and stimulates overall skin rejuvenation. Here at Bonness we offer pure, concentrated products from the largest exosome biotech companies. Exosomes can be applied to the skin after Microneedling, RF Microneedling, MOXI Laser, or Chemical Peels to increase collagen production and promote faster skin healing.
PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is a part of the blood high in growth factors and platelets. When extracted from the blood and applied to the skin, it releases enzymes that help heal the damaged area, inducing collagen production and jumpstarting natural processes that slow with age. This translates to a tightening effect on the skin, revealing a healthier and younger-looking complexion. PRP is combined with microneedling, RF Microneedling, and Moxi Laser treatments.
I-PRF, or injectable platelet-rich fibrin, is a second-generation PRP created from your own blood high in growth factors, platelets, white blood cells, stem cells, and fibrin. When extracted from the skin, packed into a liquid, and then injected into the skin, it stimulates, regenerates, and repairs the natural production of collagen at a cellular level, returning natural plumpness to the skin. I-PRF is best used for under-eye rejuvenation.
PRF Gel, or platelet-rich fibrin, or Bio-filler, is a third-generation PRP created from your own blood high in growth factors, platelets, white blood cells, stem cells, and fibrin. When extracted from the skin, packed into a gel, and injected into the skin, it provides natural-looking modest volume, ongoing growth factor release, and collagen stimulation to continually rejuvenate your skin and natural fat pockets over the coming months. PRF gel or Bio-filler can be used on all areas of the face and hands.
BBL Forever Young is changing the way we age—or don’t! Your DNA and environmental factors determine how you age, and as we age, the genes in our cells express themselves differently than when we were younger. The energy delivered during a BBL treatment stimulates skin cells and fibroblasts to produce proteins, building blocks, and collagen much faster, similar to when you were younger—making BBL one of the most effective and long-lasting regenerative treatments on the market!
Microfat Injections target two aspects of skin rejuvenation: long-lasting volume and rejuvenation of overlying skin. One of the largest growth factor powerhouse and stem cell concentrations is in the fat underneath the skin. Removing excess fat, purifying the fat cells, extracting the stem cells and growth factors, and injecting them into the hands and face creates a natural, soft volume with continuous growth factor release and collagen stimulation in your skin. There is no overfilled look, and the results are incredibly soft and beautiful!