A common area of concern for women is the upper arm. Specifically, the excess skin, fat or both that hang from the under surface. It is an area, that despite exercise and weight loss can remain "flabby" and without definition. Some patients have an extreme amount of excess skin and refer to their arms as a "bat wing".
The recommended procedure will depend on the amount of skin, the condition of the skin and the amount of fat. In younger patients with good skin tone and fat, liposuction or CoolSculpting is usually the answer.
In patients with loose skin with or without fat an arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a great operation.
A brachioplasty is an outpatient procedure performed in the operating room under general anesthesia and can take 2-4 hours. A long incision is made from the elbow to the armpit. The incision is placed on the inside of the arm so it is hidden with the arm down in its normal, neutral position. During the procedure the excess skin is removed and liposuction is done to contour the remaining area.
After surgery you will resume light normal activity immediately. You can return to work within one week and resume more strenuous activity in 3 weeks.
A compression garment is worn for about 2-3 months to keep the swelling and bruising to a minimum.
Although, an arm lift will greatly improve the appearance of your arm, there are many physical benefits as well.
If you’re unhappy with the way your arms look and feel, consider permanently changing your body for the better. Dr. Bonness’ arm lift procedure is a solution for slimming and shaping.
Brachioplasty provides patients with positive benefits including:
The main trade-off with brachioplasty is the inconvenient appearance of a scar. Unlike most incisions that can be completely covered with clothes, the scar from an arm lift will be visible if you wear short sleeves and raise your arm.
Our goal is for you to achieve a barely visible scar. During surgery and after Dr Bonness takes many steps to ensure that your incision heals and the scar fades as much as possible. During the procedure very small sutures are placed under the skin. A special tape is then applied and will remain for 3 weeks to help soften the scar. After the tape is removed in the office, we will give you your medical grade scar to use. This scar care will consist of a wipe on gel and silicone gel sheeting.
It is important to be aware of this potentially visible scar before your surgery. It is a very individual decision-Is a visible scar an acceptable trade off for a significantly improved arm contour? If the answer is yes, then proceed with an arm lift. If the answer is no, then liposuction or CoolSculpting may still be an option. There will be less improvement, but no scar.
Our Brookfield location offers a variety of nonsurgical, fat-reduction treatments that target stubborn deposits of fat all over the body. These treatments are ideal for men and women who are at (or around) their goal weight who want to reduce fat in certain areas of the body, including: arms, legs, glutes, and abdomen. For patients who are concerned with scarring or the surgical aspect of traditional arm lift procedures can explore our range of alternative treatments which include:
Dr. Bonness is proud to be the #1 CoolSuclpting provider in Wisconsin who also offers CoolTone muscle toning treatments, and will discuss all of your options at the initial arm lift consultation.
Our Wisconsin Medi Spa provides a variety of non-surgical cosmetic procedures to improve your skin and body, including:
Dr. Bonness offers a variety of laser systems and injections to meet our patient needs. Some of our treatments include:
At our Milwaukee area Cosmetic Clinic, we offer a variety of plastic surgery options. Our most popular treatments include:
Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bonness offers several cost-effective cosmetic surgery payment options so you can afford the cost of your tummy tuck procedure. Our office accepts cash, check, and all major credit cards for any procedure or treatment including:
Medi Spa Financing