One of the most stubborn body parts to firm & tone is the jawline and under the chin. Because the shape of our face is genetic, it can seem difficult to reshape the face without surgery. Luckily, you don’t need to go through extensive facial surgery to take years off your appearance and create a stronger jawline contour. Dr. Bonness provides FDA approved Kybella injections in Brookfield, Wisconsin. With Kybella, you can achieve a slimmer, younger-looking profile with no anesthesia.
Kybella contains deoxycholic acid, a chemical compound we naturally produce in our body to help dissolve fat. Once injected into the fat, Kybella works gradually over time to permanently destroy fat cells. As the fat cells are destroyed they are naturally flushed out of your body. The number of treatments will vary depending on the amount and extent of the fat. Very small areas, limited to under the chin, may require as few as 2 treatments. More significant amounts of fat may require 4-8 treatments. All treatments are spaced 6-8 weeks apart and final results are seen at 4-6 months.
Although, initially only used for the fat immediately under the chin, Kybella is now used to completely contour the jawline. Kybella can be used on jowls to sharpen this edge. Kybella can even be used on very small areas of fat anywhere on the body.
The Kybella injection is done in the office. A very small needle is used to give the multiple injections. It is normal to experience some redness and burning for 10-15 mins. There is swelling with Kybella which will dissipate after the first 24 hours. When scheduling your first Kybella appointment, choose a time when you have a few days off so you can judge your comfort level with the swelling. There should be less swelling with each subsequent session.
In the past, liposuction & neck lifts have been the go-to procedures for correcting double chins and are still popular today. With innovative technology and advanced medical treatments have produced non-invasive medi spa treatments to sculpt the body with no surgical risks. Two of our popular non-invasive double chin procedures are Kybella & CoolSculpting. Both produce a slim, toned appearance. Learn about some of the differences below to help you decide which is right for your goals.
Every time you purchase an Allergan product you will earn points for savings on future treatments or purchases. Allé members will also receive special offers and free gifts. It is easy, free and the program keeps track of everything for you.
Go online and sign up - it’s free! Acquire points with purchase of an Allergan treatment, including:
Once you gather enough points, you can cash them in for future visits, saving money in the process. Number of points is associated with dollar amounts, making it easy to get discounts on popular treatments. Save and repeat!
Our Brookfield medical spa at Dr. Bonness provides many ways to save money while receiving the best cosmetic treatment in Wisconsin. Live the life you want with Allé and Bonness Cosmetic Surgery and Spa.
As with all facial concerns we recommend combining Kybella with daily skin care. Sticking with your daily skin care is very important to the success and longevity of your result. The rejuvenating Kybella treatments work better when combined with skin care that keeps your skin healthy, plump and wrinkle resistant. Daily skincare is the foundation of healthy smooth skin. We believe it can be very difficult for patients to choose medical skin care products on their own.
There are so many products and websites with misleading information. We want you to succeed and have beautiful healthy skin for longer. Visit our store at The Corners of Brookfield, where our aestheticians and trained skin care experts can help you choose the right product for you.
Our Wisconsin Medi Spa provides a variety of non-surgical cosmetic procedures to improve your skin and body, including:
Dr. Bonness offers a variety of laser systems and injections to meet our patient needs. Some of our treatments include:
At our Milwaukee area Cosmetic Clinic, we offer a variety of plastic surgery options. Our most popular treatments include: