This procedure removes excess breast fat, tissue, and skin to sculpt a breast that is smaller, lighter, and lifted in proportion to your body. A breast reduction is ideal for patients interested in alleviating discomfort associated with large breasts, like back and shoulder pain. There are risks associated with this procedure, but trust in Wisconsin’s #1 Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Michelle Bonness, who has a portfolio full of successful procedures with life-changing results, to lead you towards your ideal breast size.
Though our Cosmetic Clinic is located in Brookfield, we’re able to help patients from Milwaukee to Madison. We schedule consultations and procedures around your life, ensuring you have access to our full array of services, procedures, and specialists when you need them most.
Schedule Consultation See BeforeBreast reduction is a great surgical option for patients who feel their breasts are too large or heavy. The surgery will help with symptoms related to large breasts like upper back and neck pain, rashes and shoulder grooving. It will also help make exercising easier and clothes fit better. Breast reduction surgery has the highest satisfaction rate of any plastic surgery procedure. Especially for young women, this operation can be life changing.
During a breast reduction the breasts are not only made smaller by removing breast tissue, but also lifted to a higher position on the chest.
During the breast reduction procedure, incisions are made around the areola, down vertically, and along the crease under the breast. Breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin is then removed to attain a more proportional breast size. The breast is reshaped and resized to provide a natural appearance and alleviate the heaviness and discomfort on the chest. The breast reduction procedure may take 2-3 hours and requires general anesthesia.
Our breast reduction patients from Brookfield, Milwaukee, Waukesha, Oconomowoc, and throughout Southeast Wisconsin are happy with their smaller, firmer, lighter breasts. Their discomfort and pain is significantly improved or even eliminated, and they are able to move more freely to participate in sports and exercise.
Breast Reductions and Breast Lifts are well tolerated by patients. The recovery is much less than with other plastic surgery procedures since there is no work done on the underlying muscle. Patients may experience some pain (easily controlled with Tylenol and Ibuprofen), swelling, and bruising during your recovery. You can resume normal light activity within 2 days of surgery and exercise within two weeks. Results are immediate but will only improve as time passes.
As with all surgeries that Dr. Bonness performs, she wants you to achieve the best scar. To do this she uses very small sutures under the skin-sutures placed on the outside of the skin like staples lead to a more visible railroad track scar. Over the sutures she will place a special tape that will stay on and help soften the scar for 3 weeks. This tape is removed in the office and your scar care will be started. This is so important that your scar care is included in your package. Your scars will watched closely after surgery and additional treatments like laser therapy will offered if necessary.
Breast reduction surgery can range from $5,000 - $10,000. The cost varies depending on the provider fees, prescriptions, anesthesia and the procedure itself. Our staff will review costs during your initial consultation with transparency and no hidden charges. We offer financing plans for all cosmetic procedures.
Dr. Bonness provides affordable cosmetic surgery and medical spa treatments for clients in Southeast Wisconsin. Payment can be made via cash, check or major credit cards.
Achieve the look you want without financial burdens!
Although risks are rare, patients should be aware there are some risks when undergoing breast reduction or breast lift surgery, such as asymmetry, loss of nipple sensation, infections, and thick scars. Following all instructions before and after your surgery can greatly reduce these risks and side effects. The results of breast reduction surgery are considered permanent. However, breasts may change shape or size with pregnancy, weight gain, or weight loss.
For more information about breast reduction procedures contact Dr. Bonness to schedule an initial consultation.
A breast reduction (reduction Mammaplasty) may be beneficial if you have overly large breasts (Macromastia) causing any of the following problems:
Our Wisconsin Medi Spa provides a variety of non-surgical cosmetic procedures to improve your skin and body, including:
Dr. Bonness offers a variety of laser systems and injections to meet our patient needs. Some of our treatments include:
At our Milwaukee area Cosmetic Clinic, we offer a variety of plastic surgery options. Our most popular treatments include: