Mommy Makeover Before & After

Patient Transformations >> Mommy Makeover

Safe Mommy Makeover Surgery 

Dr Bonness, Wisconsin's #1 cosmetic surgeon, offers the Mommy Makeover – A mommy makeover is a name given to surgeries that are commonly done together to address the changes that occur after pregnancy and breastfeeding. During a mommy makeover, abdominoplasty and liposuction are usually combined with breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast reduction. Becoming a mother is a blessing, but the body goes through some major changes that are difficult to reverse.

Contact Bonness Now

Bonness Cosmetic Surgery's  mommy makeover addresses  these common concerns that women have:

  • Loose hanging skin and fat on the abdomen
  • Weakened abdominal muscles and diastasis
  • Stretch marks
  • Smaller and sagging breasts
  • Extra body weight in abdomen & thighs

Our Brookfield cosmetic surgeon understands how important it is for a woman to regain their body confidence after they’ve had children. We offer a variety of services and procedures for moms who have lost weight but need a little help completing their goals. Contact Bonness today. 
